Wedding Car Required – Look No Further

If you’d like to come along and see our lovely wedding cars don’t hesitate to take that first step and contact us by ‘phone or email. We’re happy to give you our wedding car availability and pricing and let you come along and see our vehicles in our relaxed environment. You can look at our colour samples for your wedding car ribbons and bows, run through your requirements for your special day and get answers to any questions you have.    

We’re not on the High Street – we’re on a Cul de Sac. We’re not huge and masculine we’re small and friendly. We don’t have oodles of cars to bamboozle you with. We offer you a small selection of hand picked pristine wedding carriages. They range from 7 seaters, Landaulette and Convertible styles. You can pick what you’d prefer in your own time – and have the vehicle that’s just right for you.

We have a Welcoming Committee too who is lovely and friendly …  with 4 legs and a tail that never stops wagging. He’s called Mr Mucky Paws, Mr Wiggle Bottom, Mr Guzzle Chops, Mr Scruff Bag, and lots of other names. If you’d prefer not to meet him just let us know – he wont be offended. 

Feel free to  have a look at our website.

Whilst Wedding Fayre season for Spring has come to an end this doesn’t stop us from showing you our lovely vehicles. 

Westfield Cars
